Mae’r band un dyn wedi dychwelyd i westy Dewi Sant gydag amrywiaeth o finiau.
Am anghyfleus.
Mae biniau ym mhobman. Does neb yn hapus, heblaw am yr enwog Bryn Teribl a’i efell Owain Glyndŵr. Mae’r ddau’n dringo i finiau ag olwynion.
Arhoswch am funud.
Beth yw pwrpas y lori honno sy’ newydd droi lan?
Mae’r dynion biniau wedi cyrraedd o’r diwedd, ac maen nhw’n casglu’r biniau.
I mewn i’r lori ysbwriel â’r efeilliaid, a bant â nhw i’r safle tirlenwi.

Saesneg / English
Wheelie bins
The one man band has returned to Saint David’s hotel with a variety of bins.
How inconvenient.
There are bins everywhere. Nobody is happy, except for the famous Bryn Teribl and his twin Owain Glyndŵr. The two of them climb into wheelie bins.
Wait a minute.
What is the purpose of that lorry that has just turned up?
The bin men have finally arrived, and they are collecting the bins.
Into the dustcart with the twins, and off they go to the landfill site.