October 16, 2024

Mae band un dyn yn aros yng ngwesty Dewi Sant. Mae e wedi bod yn achosi trafferth wrth berfformio deuawdau gyda’r enwog Bryn Teribl a chythruddo Daf y gath.

Mae e’n drewi hefyd.

Pam mae e’n drewi?

Mae e’n drewi achos bod y bin ar ei gefn mae e’n defnyddio fel drwm yn llawn. Pryd bynnag mae e’n gweld ysbwriel ar y ddaear, mae e’n bachu ar y cyfle i’w roi yn y bin.

Ond mae problem. Does neb yn casglu’r biniau bellach.

– Ble mae’r safle tirlenwi agosaf? gofyn y band un dyn i Dewi Sant.

Mae Dewi Sant yn oedi am eiliad.

– O, rhywle yn Lloegr, mwy na thebyg, meddai Dewi Sant yn ddiniwed.

“Does neb yn casglu’r biniau bellach.”

Saesneg / English

Landfill site

A one man band is staying at Saint David’s hotel. He has been causing trouble by performing duets with the famous Bryn Teribl and annoying Dave the cat.

He stinks too.

Why does he stink?

He stinks because the bin on his back that he uses as a drum is full. Whenever he sees rubbish on the ground, he seizes the opportunity to put it in the bin.

But there is a problem. Nobody collects the bins anymore.

– Where is the nearest landfill site? the one man band asks Saint David.

Saint David hesitates for a moment.

– Oh, somewhere in England, probably, says Saint David innocently.

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