October 16, 2024

Mae band un dyn wedi dod i aros yng ngwesty Dewi Sant. Mae e’n waeth nag unrhyw gerddor metel.

Mae bin ar ei gefn yn lle drwm bas, yr hyn mae e’n chwarae wrth symud ei benelinoedd, ac mae symbalau ym mhobman. Mae harmonica ar ddarn o fetel o amgylch ei wddf, ac mae e’n strymio gitâr aflêr. Mae e’n gwisgo het od.

Mae’r holl sefyllfa’n codi ofn ar Daf y gath, sy’n ymguddio y tu ôl i’r ddesg yn y dderbynfa.

Arhoswch am eiliad. Beth sy’n digwydd?

Mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl wedi dechrau canu deuawd gyda’r band un dyn.

Mae’r sŵn yn frawychus.

“Mae e’n gwisgo het od.”

Saesneg / English

One-man band

A one-man band has come to stay at Saint David’s hotel. He’s worse than any metal musician.

There is a bin on his back instead of a bass drum, which he plays by moving his elbows, and there are cymbals everywhere. There is a harmonica on a piece of metal around his neck, and he strums a tatty guitar. He is wearing an odd hat.

The whole situation scares Dave the cat, who hides behind the desk in reception.

Wait a moment. What’s happening?

The famous Bryn Teribl has started singing a duet with the one-man band.

The noise is terrifying.

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