October 16, 2024

Mae bocsiwr yn aros yng ngwesty Dewi Sant. Mae e am gael ffeit.

O diar.

Nid yw Daf y gath am gael ffeit gyda’r bocsiwr. Mae bocswyr yn gryf iawn. Yn hytrach na chael ffeit, mae hi am gysgu o dan dractor.

Nid yw’r enwog Julian Cope am gael ffeit gyda’r bocsiwr chwaith. Mae e wrthi’n siantio yn ei gromlech.

Felly pwy all gael ffeit gyda’r bocsiwr? Oes rhywun yn ddigon cryf neu’n ddigon twp?

Dyma’r enwog Bryn Teribl, sy’n gwisgo… beth yw’r rheina, Bryn?

O diar. Mae Bryn Teribl yn gwisgo hetiau gwlân ar ei ddwylo fel menig bocsio. Mae Bryn Teribl yn mynd i ateb y galw a chael ffeit gyda’r bocsiwr.

Bydd yn ofalus, Bryn!

“Bydd yn ofalus, Bryn!”

Saesneg / English


A boxer is staying at Saint David’s hotel. He wants to have a fight.

Oh dear.

Daf the cat does not want to have a fight with the boxer. Boxers are very strong. Instead of having a fight, she wants to sleep under a tractor.

The famous Julian Cope does not want to have a fight with the boxer either. He is busy chanting in his cromlech.

So who can have a fight with the boxer? Is there someone strong enough or stupid enough?

Here comes the famous Bryn Teribl, who is wearing… what are those, Bryn?

Oh dear. Bryn Teribl is wearing woolly hats on his hands as boxing gloves. Bryn Teribl is going to answer the call and have a fight with the boxer.

Be careful, Bryn!

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