October 16, 2024

Am eiliad, mae Owain Glyndŵr yn drist iawn bod ei fochyn cwta cefnogaeth emosiynol wedi hedfan i Awstralia.

Mae e’n ystyried hedfan yno ei hun, ond does dim arian gyda fe. Does dim posib adeiladu awyren gan fod Dewi Sant wedi cuddio’r offerynnau i gyd.

Dyw’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr ddim yn saff gydag offerynnau.

Ond mewn gwirionedd, mae’n well gyda fe geir bach beth bynnag. Does dim angen unrhyw gefnogaeth emosiyonal arall.

“Mae’n well gyda fe geir bach beth bynnag.”

Saesneg / English


For a moment, Owain Glyndŵr is very sad that his emotional support guinea pig has flown to Australia.

He is considering flying there himself, but he has no money. It is not possible to build a plane because Saint David has hidden all the tools.

The famous Owain Glyndŵr is not safe with tools.

But really, he prefers toy cars anyway. No other emotional support is necessary.

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