October 16, 2024

Mae Owain Glyndŵr a’i fochyn cwta cefnogaeth emosiynol yn tynnu ymlaen yn dda iawn.

Ond mae gwichian y mochyn cwta’n hala Daf y gath yn benwan. Mae hi eisiau bach o dawelwch.

Does dim tawelwch i’w gael.

Dim ond gwichian. Am rwystredig!

Bydd angen anifail cefnogaeth emosiynol ar Daf hefyd. Ond beth fyddai’n addas?

Mae hi’n dod o hyd i garreg las lyfn yn yr ardd. Fe wnaiff hynny’r tro. Mae hi’n fodlon iawn ar ei charreg gefnogaeth emosiynol.

“Fe wnaiff hynny’r tro.”

Saesneg / English

Emotional support

Owain Glyndŵr and his emotional support guinea pig are getting on very well.

But the squeaking of the guinea-pig is driving Dave the cat insane. She wants a little quiet.

There is no quiet to be had.

Just squeaking. How frustrating!

Dave will also need an emotional support animal. But what would be suitable?

She comes across a smooth blue stone in the garden. That will do. She is very satisfied with her emotional support stone.

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