October 16, 2024

Mae Santes Dwynwen newydd gael babi. Am annisgwyl. Am wyrth! Bydd hi’n rhy brysur i wneud mwy o’i chwstard ombeidus am sbel. Diolch byth.

Mae’r babi’n swnllyd iawn.

Arhoswch am funud. Nid dyna’r sŵn mae babanod yn ei wneud. Dyw babanod ddim yn gwichian felly.

Mae gan y babi ffwr trwchus. Mochyn cwta yw e, nid babi.

Phiw. Byddai babi wedi bod yn fater eglwysig difrifol.

Digwydd bod, fe gafodd Santes Dwynwen y mochyn cwta fel anifail cefnogaeth emosiynol ar gyfer yr enwog Owain Glyndŵr. Ond mae Jeff y gath eisiau cael y mochyn cwta i swper.

“Byddai babi wedi bod yn fater eglwysig difrifol.”

Saesneg / English


Saint Dwynwen has just had a baby. How unexpected. What a miracle! She will be too busy to make more of her awful custard for a while. Thank goodness.

The baby is very noisy.

Wait a minute. That’s not the sound babies make. Babies don’t squeak like that.

The baby has thick fur. It’s a guinea pig, not a baby.

Phew. A baby would have been a serious ecclesiastical matter.

As it happens, Saint Dwynwen got the guinea pig as an emotional support animal for the famous Owain Glyndŵr. But Jeff the cat wants to have the guinea pig for supper.

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