October 16, 2024

Ble mae’r astrolegydd wedi mynd?

Pam mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl yn chwibanu yn ddiniwed?

Pam mae tomen o bridd wrth ochr cromlech yr enwog Julian Cope?

Pam mae morthwyl ar y ddaear?

O, Bryn! Beth wyt ti wedi gwneud?

Arhoswch am eiliad.

Dyna esgidiau’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr sy’n ymestyn o’r domen. Ydy e’n dal i fyw? Ydy. Diolch byth. Ydy e’n dal i fod yn ynfytyn? Ydy.

Bryn! Pam wnest ti hynny?

Ond wnaeth yr enwog Bryn Teribl ddim byd. Dim ond chwibanu oedd e.

Felly, rhaid bod yr astrolegydd wedi ymosod ar yr enwog Owain Glyndŵr, cyn rhedeg i ffwrdd. O diar.

“Arhoswch am eiliad. Dyna esgidiau’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr.”

Saesneg / English


Where has the astrologer gone?

Why is the famous Bryn Teribl whistling innocently?

Why is there a mound of soil next to the famous Julian Cope’s cromlech?

Why is there a hammer on the ground?

Oh, Bryn! What have you done?

Wait a moment.

Those are the famous Owain Glyndŵr’s shoes that are sticking out of the mound. Is he still alive? Yes. Thank goodness. Is he still an idiot? Yes.

Bryn! Why did you do that?

But the famous Bryn Teribl didn’t do anything. He was just whistling.

Therefore, the astrologer must have attacked the famous Owain Glyndŵr, before running away. Oh dear.

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