October 16, 2024

Mae astrolegydd yn aros yng ngwesty Dewi Sant. Hen gitarydd band yr enwog Julian Cope yw e. Mae e wedi dod â’i siartiau a’i offerynnau i gyd.

Nawr, mae e wedi meddiannu cromlech yr enwog Julian Cope.

Nid yw’r enwog Julian Cope yn hapus o gwbl.

Ond mae’r cathod yn hapus iawn. Mae’n hynod o gyfforddus yng nghromlech Julian Cope, a chan nad yw e bellach yn siantio ynddi trwy’r amser, gallan nhw gael cyntun bach mewn cornel.

Mae’r astrolegydd yn gwneud proffwydoliaeth.

– Bydd yr enwog Julian Cope yn gadael erbyn diwedd yr wythnos, meddai.

“Gallan nhw gael cyntun bach mewn cornel.”

Saesneg / English


An astrologer is staying at Saint David’s hotel. He is the former guitarist of the famous Julian Cope’s band. He has brought all his charts and instruments.

Now, he has occupied the cromlech of the famous Julian Cope.

The famous Julian Cope is not happy at all.

But the cats are very happy. It is extremely comfortable in Julian Cope’s cromlech, and since he is no longer chanting in it all the time, they can have a little snooze in a corner.

The astrologer makes a prediction.

– The famous Julian Cope will leave by the end of the week, he says.

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