October 16, 2024

A hithau wedi cymryd lot gormod o Dreamies seicedelig, fel arfer, mae Daf y gath eisoes yn y Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel pan mae’r llu o gathod bach yn cyrraedd.

– Gan bwyll, y cathod bach, meddai Daf, sydd am fynd yn ôl i gysgu seicedelig.

Ond mae’r cathod bach yn parhau i redeg o gwmpas a throi pethau.

Arhoswch am funud.

Pwy sy’n gwylio’r Pandas Pinc yn chwarae gig ar brif lwyfan sgwâr y pentre?

Grŵp o diwtoriaid Cymraeg sydd yma hefyd. O diar.

Maen nhw’n corlannu’r cathod bach a’u dysgu nhw am y treiglad trwynol. Am ddwys.

“Mae Daf y gath eisoes yn y Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel.”

Saesneg / English


Having taken far too many psychedelic Dreamies, as usual, Dave the cat is already in the Other Crymych beyond the horizon when the horde of kittens arrive.

– Calm down, kittens, says Dave, who wants to go back to psychedelic sleep.

But the kittens continue to run around and knock things over.

Wait a minute.

Who is watching the Pink Pandas play a gig on the main stage of the village square?

It’s a group of Welsh tutors that are also here. Oh dear.

They round up the kittens and teach them about the nasal mutation. How intense.

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