October 16, 2024

Mae gwesteion newydd wedi cyrraedd gwesty Dewi Sant. Mae stŵr yn codi wrth i Dewi’n trio gwneud i bawb gofrestru ar y system gyfrifiadurol.

Mae cathod bach ym mhobman.

Myfyrwyr yn yr ysgol hela ydyn nhw. Ond mae pethau disglair yn tynnu eu sylw trwy’r amser. Dydyn nhw ddim hyd yn oed wedi cyrraedd adeilad newydd Jeff y gath, sydd wedi cael ei gwblhau gan yr Hen Dduw Odin dros y penwythnos.

Dim ond rhedeg o gwmpas ydyn nhw, mewn gwirionedd.

Mae’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr a Bryn Teribl yn gwylio’r cathod bach. Mae’r ddau’n hoff iawn o redeg o gwmpas. Cyn hir, maen nhw wedi ymuno â’r cathod bach ac mae pawb a phopeth yn cael ei fwrw drosodd.

Mae Jeff yn mynd i aros yn yr ysgol hela i’r anhrefn ddod i ben.

“Mae Jeff yn mynd i aros yn yr ysgol i’r anhrefn ddod i ben.”

Saesneg / English


New guests have arrived at the Dewi Sant hotel. A row arises as Dewi tries to get everyone to register on the computer system.

There are kittens everywhere.

They are students at the hunting school. But shiny things distract them all the time. They haven’t even arrived at Jeff the cat’s new building, which has been completed by the Old God Odin over the weekend.

They’re just running around, really.

The famous Owain Glyndŵr and Bryn Teribl are watching the kittens. They both really like running around. Before long, they have joined the kittens and everyone and everything is being knocked over.

Jeff is going to wait in the hunting school for the chaos to come to an end.

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