Ag yntau wedi troi’n Mistar Urdd, mae’r alcemydd-Mistar-Urdd wedi gadael gwesty Dewi Sant ac yn awr yn boddran y plant a’r athrawon mewn ysgolion lleol a’u gorfodi i ddawnsio.
Yn y cyfamser, mae Jeff y gath wedi cael syniad da tra ei bod hi’n eistedd yn ei blwch cardbord.
Mae hi wedi gofyn i’r Hen Dduw Odin adeiladu adeilad newydd yn yr ardd lle gall hi ddysgu hela i gathod bach.
Ond bydd angen cyflenwad o lygod.
Efallai byddai’n bosib i’r alcemydd droi cerrig yn llygod? Wel, efallai, ond mae’n rhy hwyr erbyn hyn. Mae e’n brysur yn canu “Hei Mistar Urdd” am y milfed tro.
Nid yw Daf y gath am gymryd rhan yn y fenter hon. Mae hi’n rhy ddioglyd, a beth bynnag, mae hi’n gwrando ar gerddoriaeth doom metal yng nghwmni’r enwog Julian Cope, sy’n llawer pwysicach.

Saesneg / English
Hunting school
Having turned into Mistar Urdd, the alchemist-Mistar-Urdd has left Dewi Sant’s hotel and is now bothering the children and teachers in local schools and forcing them to dance.
Meanwhile, Jeff the cat has had a good idea while sitting in her cardboard box.
She has asked the Old God Odin to build a new building in the garden where she can teach kittens to hunt.
But a supply of mice will be needed.
Perhaps it would be possible for the alchemist to turn stones into mice? Well, maybe, but it’s too late now. He is busy singing “Hey Mistar Urdd” for the thousandth time.
Dave the cat does not want to take part in this venture. She is too lazy, and anyway, she is listening to doom metal music with the famous Julian Cope, which is much more important.