October 16, 2024

Mae’r gwesty ar dân. Aeth e ar dân yn gyflym iawn, ar ôl trydydd arbrawf yr alcemydd.

– Ti ddim yn alcemydd go iawn, w’t ti? gofyn Daf y gath i’r alcemydd.

Mae’r alcemydd yn cochi at ei glustiau.

– Nadw, meddai’n dawel. – Fi jysd yn hoffi rhoi pethe ar dân.

– Llosgwr w’t ti, felly, meddai Daf. – Rhaid bod rhywun ‘di cam-glywed.

“Mae’r gwesty ar dân.”

Saesneg / English


The hotel is on fire. It caught fire very quickly, after the alchemist’s third experiment.

– You’re not a real alchemist, are you? Dave the cat asks the alchemist.

The alchemist blushes from ear to ear.

– No, he says quietly. – I just like setting things on fire.

-You’re an arsonist, then, says Dave. – Someone must have misheard.

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