October 16, 2024

Yn yr ystafell grand, mae arogl mwg cryf yn hongian yn yr awyr.

Mae’r alcemydd wedi llosgi soffa orau Dewi Sant yn ulw. Ond dyw e ddim wedi troi dim byd yn aur.

O diar.

Mae e’n penderfynu ceisio troi rhai o Dreamies Daf y gath yn aur. Mae e’n paratoi’n ofalus ac ailadrodd y geiriau hud a lledrith wrth iddo danio tân Bunsen.

Ymhen cwpl o funudau, mae’r gwely wedi mynd ar dân.

“Ymhen cwpl o funudau, mae’r gwely wedi mynd ar dân.”

Saesneg / English

The second experiment

In the grand room, there is a strong smell of smoke hanging in the air.

The alchemist has burnt Saint David’s best sofa to ash. But he hasn’t turned anything into gold.

Oh dear.

He decides to try and turn some of Dave the cat’s Dreamies into gold. He prepares carefully and repeats the magic words as he lights the Bunsen burner.

After a couple of minutes, the bed has caught fire.

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