October 16, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant wedi rhoi ystafell grand i’r alcemydd, ymhell o’r gwesteion eraill. Mae e’n poeni bydd yr alcemydd yn rhoi rhywun ar dân ar gam.

Nid yw ei bryder yn ddi-sail.

Wrth i’r alcemydd ymgymryd â’i arbrawf cyntaf, mae Daf y gath yn gweld mwg yn llifo allan o ffenestr yr ystafell grand.

Mae’n ymddangos fel bod y soffa ar dân.

Does dim byd wedi troi’n aur eto.

Saesneg / English

The first experiment

Saint David has given the alchemist a grand room, far from the other guests. He is worried that the alchemist will set someone on fire by mistake.

His concern is not unfounded.

As the alchemist undertakes his first experiment, Dave the cat sees smoke pouring out of the window of the grand room.

It appears that the sofa is on fire.

Nothing has turned to gold yet.

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