October 16, 2024

Mae alcemydd wedi dod i aros yng ngwesty Dewi Sant. Mae e wedi dod â’i holl offer arbrofol yn gynnwys sawl tân Bunsen. Beth allai fynd o’i le?

– Allech chi droi’r Glyndŵr pedair coes yn aur? gofyn Dewi Sant i’r alcemydd.

– Pam? gofyn yr alcemydd.

– I’w arafu. Bydde’n haws ‘i ddal.

Yn gorwedd ar y soffa, mae Daf y gath yn ystyried yr alcemydd a gweld cyfle i wneud tamaid bach o arian. Ond dyw’r alcemydd erioed wedi troi dim byd yn aur eto. Dyna broblem.

Arhoswch am funud, mae ei het ar dân! Dyna broblem arall.

“Arhoswch am funud, mae ei het ar dân!”

Saesneg / Englisb


An alchemist has come to stay at Saint David’s hotel. He has brought all his experimental equipment including several Bunsen burners. What could go wrong?

– Could you turn the four-legged Glyndŵr into gold? asked Saint David to the alchemist.

– Why? asked the alchemist.

– To slow him down. It would be easier to catch him.

Lying on the sofa, Dave the cat considers the alchemist and sees an opportunity to make a little bit of money. But the alchemist has never turned anything into gold yet. That’s a problem.

Wait a minute, his hat’s on fire! That’s another problem.

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