Mae alcemydd wedi dod i aros yng ngwesty Dewi Sant. Mae e wedi dod â’i holl offer arbrofol yn gynnwys sawl tân Bunsen. Beth allai fynd o’i le?
– Allech chi droi’r Glyndŵr pedair coes yn aur? gofyn Dewi Sant i’r alcemydd.
– Pam? gofyn yr alcemydd.
– I’w arafu. Bydde’n haws ‘i ddal.
Yn gorwedd ar y soffa, mae Daf y gath yn ystyried yr alcemydd a gweld cyfle i wneud tamaid bach o arian. Ond dyw’r alcemydd erioed wedi troi dim byd yn aur eto. Dyna broblem.
Arhoswch am funud, mae ei het ar dân! Dyna broblem arall.

Saesneg / Englisb
An alchemist has come to stay at Saint David’s hotel. He has brought all his experimental equipment including several Bunsen burners. What could go wrong?
– Could you turn the four-legged Glyndŵr into gold? asked Saint David to the alchemist.
– Why? asked the alchemist.
– To slow him down. It would be easier to catch him.
Lying on the sofa, Dave the cat considers the alchemist and sees an opportunity to make a little bit of money. But the alchemist has never turned anything into gold yet. That’s a problem.
Wait a minute, his hat’s on fire! That’s another problem.