October 16, 2024

Mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl wedi gyrru tractor Dewi Sant yn ôl o’r ysbyty gyda Santes Dwynwen, Owain Glyndŵr a Dewi Sant ei hun yn y trelar.

Roedd hi’n anodd iawn dal Owain Glyndŵr nawr bod tair coes gydag e. Mae e’n gallu symud mor gyflym!

Ond mae e hefyd yn sefydlog iawn. Efallai byddai’n bosib i ni ddefnyddio fe fel hatstand, meddylia Dewi Sant. Neu fwrdd.

Ond unwaith iddyn nhw gyrraedd y gwesty, bant â Glyndŵr ar ei gyflymder uchaf.

Mae Daf y gath yn gwylio Owain Glyndŵr yn diflannu i’r pellter. Waeth i mi roi’r gore i’r catnip ddim, meddylia hi. Sdim byd mwy seicedelig na hyn.

“Mae Daf y gath yn gwylio Owain Glyndŵr yn diflannu i’r pellter.”

Saesneg / English

The three-legged Glyndŵr

The famous Bryn Teribl has driven Saint David’s tractor back from the hospital with Saint Dwynwen, Owain Glyndŵr and Saint David himself in the trailer.

It was very difficult to catch Owain Glyndŵr now that he has three legs. He can move so fast!

But he is also very stable. Maybe it would be possible for us to use him as a hatstand, thinks Saint David. Or a table.

But once they arrive at the hotel, off goes Glyndŵr at top speed.

Dave the cat watches Owain Glyndŵr disappear into the distance. I might as well give up the catnip, she thinks. Nothing is more psychedelic than this.

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