October 17, 2024

Mae gan bawb fola tost. Hynny yw, pawb sydd ar ôl.

Yn anffodus, gwnaeth Santes Dwynwen bancos neithiwr. Pwy a ŵyr beth oedd yn y cymysgedd, ond roedden nhw’n drwchus ac yn galed.

Mae Dewi Sant yn becso bydd mwy o adolygiadau gwael o’i westy ar TripAdvisor.

Ond does dim angen becso am adolygiadau gwael gan fod cymysgedd pancos Santes Dwynwen wedi lladd y rhan fwyaf o’r gwesteion.

Felly mae problemau eraill ganddo.

Mae Daf y gath yn chwarae gyda gweddillion lemon yn ddiegni.

“Mae Daf y gath yn chwarae gyda gweddillion lemon yn ddiegni.”

Ssesneg / English

Stomach ache

Everyone has stomach ache. That is, everyone who is left.

Unfortunately, Santes Dwynwen made pancakes last night. Who knows what was in the mix, but they were thick and hard.

Saint David is worried there will be more bad reviews of his hotel on TripAdvisor.

But there’s no need to worry about bad reviews as Santes Dwynwen’s pancake mix killed most of the guests.

So he has other problems.

Dave the cat plays listlessly with the remains of a lemon.

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