October 17, 2024

A phawb wedi dygymod â cherdded heb esgidiau, diolch i’r anfad Mistar Sgidie anghofus, mae argyfwng newydd.

Nawr, mae rhywun wedi dwyn y sanau i gyd oddi wrth westeion Dewi Sant. Dyw’r gwesty erioed wedi gweld y fath beth o’r blaen.

Mae’r anfad Mistar Sgidie’n gwadu popeth.

Pwy allai fod wedi dwyn y sanau i gyd?

Yr hen ysbryd Mistar Trowsus sydd ar fai. Am ddryswch.

Bydd rhaid i Daf y gath gynnal allfwriad cyn bo hir.

“Mae’r anfad Mistar Sgidie’n gwadu popeth.”

Saesneg / English


With everyone having got used to walking without shoes, thanks to the evil, forgetful Mr. Shoes, there is a new crisis.

Now, someone has stolen all the socks from Saint David’s guests. The hotel has never seen such a thing before.

The evil Mr. Shoes denies everything.

So who could have stolen all the socks?

The old spirit Mr. Trousers is to blame. How confusing.

Dave the cat will soon have to carry out an exorcism.

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