October 17, 2024

Yn y gwesty, mae’r anfad Mistar Sgidie wedi dwyn esgidiau gwesteion Dewi Sant i gyd.

Nawr, mae pawb yn cwyno’n droednoeth wrth Dewi Sant bod eu hesgidiau nhw wedi cael eu dwyn. Ond does neb yn gwybod dim byd am fodolaeth yr anfad Mistar Sgidie.

Does dim ots gyda’r Hen Dduw Odin. Dyw e byth yn gwisgo esgidiau beth bynnag.

Mae Daf y gath yn ceisio esbonio wrth Dewi Sant taw’r anfad Mistar Sgidie sydd yn gyfrifol am ddiflaniad yr holl esgidiau.

Ond dyw Dewi Sant ddim yn credu’r hyn mae Daf yn dweud am ysbryd sy’n symud heb gerdded. A pham byddai ysbryd yn dwyn cannoedd o esgidiau?

Pwy a ŵyr.

Yn bwysicach fyth, ble mae’r anfad Mistar Sgidie wedi mynd?

“Nawr, mae pawb yn cwyno’n droednoeth.”

Saesneg / English


At the hotel, the evil Mr. Shoes has stolen all the shoes of Dewi Sant’s guests.

Now, everyone is complaining barefoot to Saint David that their shoes have been stolen. But nobody knows anything about the existence of the evil Mr. Shoes..

The Old God Odin doesn’t care. He never wears shoes anyway.

Dave the cat tries to explain to Saint David that the evil Mr. Shoes is responsible for the disappearance of all the shoes.

But Saint David doesn’t believe what Dave says about a spirit that moves without walking. And why would a spirit steal hundreds of shoes?

Who knows.

More importantly, where has the evil Mr. Shoes gone?

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