October 17, 2024

Mae Santes Dwynwen wedi pobi cacen ben-blwydd. Mae canhwyllau ac eisin ar ben y gacen.

Ond ar gyfer pwy mae’r gacen ben-blwydd?

Does neb yn gwybod.

Pen-blwydd Daf y gath yw e? Nac ydy.

Pen-blwydd yr enwog Bryn Teribl yw e? Nac ydy.

Pen-blwydd yr Hen Dduw Odin yw e? Nac ydy. Fe gafodd Odin ei greu gan luoedd primordaidd, nid ei eni.

Does neb yn y gwesty yn dathlu pen-blwydd. Felly pam mae Santes Dwynwen wedi pobi cacen?

Mae hi wedi pobi cacen rhag ofn i ymwelydd sydd yn dathlu eu pen-blwydd droi lan.

Does dim ots gyda Daf y gath. Bydd y gacen yn ffiaidd beth bynnag.

“Ar gyfer pwy mae’r gacen?”

Saesneg / English


Saint Dwynwen has baked a birthday cake. There are candles and icing on top of the cake.

But who is the birthday cake for?

Nobody knows.

Is it Dave the cat’s birthday? It is not.

Is it the famous Bryn Teribl’s birthday? It is not.

It’s the Old God Odin’s birthday? It is not. Odin was created by primordial forces, not born.

No one in the hotel is celebrating a birthday. So why has Saint Dwynwen baked a cake?

She has baked a cake in case a visitor celebrating their birthday turns up.

Dave the cat doesn’t care. The cake will be disgusting anyway.

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