Mae’r gwesty’n siglo.

Ddoe, cyrhaeddodd cerddor metel gyda llond lori o fwyaduron. Heddiw, mae e’n rhoi prawf arnyn nhw fesul un.

Mae e wedi plygio ei gitâr i mewn a chwarae cord.

Mae’r cord yn achosi ton lanw yn y sba.

Mae’r enwog Julian Cope yn meddwl bod hynny’n gosmig. Ar y llaw arall, mae Daf y gath wedi dychryn am ei bywyd hi.

“Mae e wedi plygio ei gitâr i mewn a chwarae cord.”

Saesneg / English


The hotel is shaking.

Yesterday, a metal musician arrived with a lorry-load of amplifiers. Today, he is testing them one by one.

He has plugged in his guitar and played a chord.

The chord causes a tidal wave in the spa.

The famous Julian Cope thinks that that is cosmic. On the other hand, Dave the cat is scared for her life.

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