October 17, 2024

Gan fod Daf y gath wedi dianc rhagddyn nhw, mae’r tiwtoriaid Cymraeg sy’n aros yng ngwesty Dewi Sant yn ceisio dysgu Jeff y gath am dreigladau.

Does ganddyn nhw mo’r help.

– Fi ‘di darganfod treiglad newydd, ch’mo, meddai Jeff. – Y’ch chi’n gyfarwydd â’r treiglad â llaw?

– Y treiglad â llaw? Beth ydy hwnnw? gofyn arweinydd y tiwtoriaid.

Mor gyflym â mellten, mae Jeff yn brathu dwylo bob un o’r tiwtoriaid, a bant â hi.

“Y treiglad â llaw? Beth ydy hwnnw?”

Saesneg / English

A new mutation

As Dave the cat has escaped from them, the Welsh tutors staying at Saint David’s hotel are trying to teach Jeff the cat about mutations.

They can’t help themselves.

– I’ve discovered a new mutation, y’know, says Jeff. – Are you familiar with the manual mutation?

– The manual mutation? What is that? asks the leader of the tutors.

As fast as lightning, Jeff bites the hands of each of the tutors, and off she goes.

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