Mae Dewi Sant yn myfyrio ar yr wythnos a fu yn ei westy.
Mae’r sba wedi bod yn llwyddiant ysgubol, er bod y gwaith trydanol braidd yn beryglus. Bydd angen llawer o waith cynnal a chadw, ond, diolch byth, mae Odin wedi cytuno i aros gyda nhw a gweithio fel dyn mân swyddi.
– Pwy sy’n cyrredd heddi? gofyn Daf y gath iddo.
– Pwy a ŵyr, ateb Dewi Sant.
Mae e’n cael cipolwg ar y system bwcio.
O na.
Mae Dewi Sant yn dechrau crynu.
– Yn ôl pob golwg, ma grŵp o diwtoried Cymrâg yn cyrredd fory.
– O na, meddai Daf y gath. – Fydd rhaid i ni dreiglo ac ynganu pethe’n gowir?
– Bydd, meddai Dewi Sant. – Ond o leia na fydd neb o Gymdeithas yr Iaith, sbo.

Saesneg / English
Dewi Sant reflects on the past week at his hotel.
The spa has been a resounding success, although the electrical work is rather dangerous. It will require a lot of maintenance, but thankfully Odin has agreed to stay with them and work as a handyman.
– Who is arriving today? Dave the cat asks him.
– Who knows, answers Saint David.
He glances at the booking system.
Oh no.
Saint David begins to tremble.
– Apparently, a group of Welsh tutors are arriving tomorrow.
– Oh no, says Dave the cat. – Will we have to mutate and pronounce things correctly?
– Yes, says Saint David. – But at least there will be no one from Cymdeithas yr Iaith, I suppose.