October 17, 2024

Mae Mrs. Ifans wedi bod yn aros yng ngwesty Dewi Sant yr wythnos ‘ma.

Mae hi wedi cael amser da iawn. Mae hi wedi mwynhau gweld cefn gwlad Sir Benfro, a mwynheuodd hi’r sesiynau erobig dŵr, hyd yn oed y rhai a arweinwyd gan yr enwog Owain Glyndŵr.

Mae hi wedi pacio ei bag hi, ac mae hi’n barod i adael. Does dim ond iddi wirio nad yw hi wedi gadael dim byd ar ôl o dan y gwely.

O! Nefoedd yr adar!

Mae Odin o dan y gwely yng nghwmni Daf y gath.

Mae’r ddau ohonyn nhw’n gatatonig oherwydd dos mawr arall o catnip.

Mae Mrs. Ifans yn rhedeg i’w char a’i gwynt yn ei dwrn.

“Mae’r ddau ohonyn nhw’n gatatonig.”

Saesneg / English


Mrs. Ifans has been staying at Saint David’s hotel this week.

She has had a very good time. She has enjoyed seeing the Pembrokeshire countryside, and she enjoyed the water aerobics sessions, even those led by the famous Owain Glyndŵr.

She has packed her bag, and she is ready to leave. She just has to check that she hasn’t left anything under the bed.

Oh! Heavens above!

Odin is under the bed with Dave the cat.

They are both catatonic from another large dose of catnip.

Mrs. Ifans runs to her car as fast as her legs will carry her.

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