Fel y mae’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr ar fin dechrau arwain sesiwn erobeg dŵr arall yn y sba, mae Odin yn ailymddangos.
Mae llawer o gymeradwyaeth.
Mae pawb yn hapus ei fod e wedi dod yn ôl, yn bennaf y bobl henoed yn y dosbarth, sydd wedi cael hen ddigon o sblasio o gwmpas gyda’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr.
– Shwd wnest ti ddianc rhag dy rieni arswydus? gofyn Daf y gath i Odin, ar ôl y sesiwn.
– Wedd e’n syml yn y pen draw, meddai Odin. – Dysgon nhw na wen i ‘di bod yn rhoid tystysgrife diogelwch i ‘nghwsmeried, ac wê nhw wedi ‘u siomi shwd gyment, nethon nhw gico fi mas.
– O da iawn, meddai Daf y gath. – Tisie Dreamies?

Saesneg / English
As the famous Owain Glyndŵr is about to start leading another water aerobics session in the spa, Odin reappears.
There is a lot of applause.
Everyone is happy that he has come back, especially the elderly people in the class, who have had quite enough of splashing about with the famous Owain Glyndŵr.
– How did you escape from your horrific parents? Dave the cat asks Odin, after the session.
– It was simple in the end, says Odin. – They learned that I hadn’t been giving safety certificates to my customers, and they were so disappointed, they kicked me out.
– Oh very good, says Dave the cat. – D’you want some Dreamies?