October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant wedi ei gynhyrfu gad adolygiad y milfeddyg.

Ond mae’r enwog Julian Cope wedi cael syniad.

– Allen ni ofyn i’r hen Dduwiau ein helpu ni, meddai’r arch-ddrŵd.

– Sut felly? gofyn Dewi Sant.

– Trwy adeiladu sba ar gyfer y gwesty.

– Ydyn nhw ar gael ar y penwythnos?

– Ydyn.

Mae Daf y gath yn hoff iawn o syniad yr enwog Julian Cope. Mae hi’n dychmygu cael cyntun bach yn y sawna.

Tra bod yr enwog Julian Cope yn trafod pethau ymarferol gyda‘r hen Dduwiau y tu mewn i’w gromlech ddiweddaraf yn yr ardd, mae Dewi Sant yn obeithiol. Bydd yr adolygiad nesaf yn sicr o fod yn un gwell.

“Allen ni ofyn i’r hen Dduwiau ein helpu ni.”

Saesneg / English


Saint David is upset by the vet’s review.

But the famous Julian Cope has had an idea.

– We could ask the old Gods to help us, says the archdrude.

– How so? asked Saint David.

– By building a spa for the hotel.

– Are they available at the weekend?

– They are.

Dave the car really likes the idea of the famous Julian Cope. She imagines having a little snooze in the sauna.

While the famous Julian Cope is discussing practicalities with the old Gods inside his latest cromlech in the garden, Saint David is optimistic. The next review will surely be a better one.

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