Mae Daf y gath am edrych yn ôl dros ddigwyddiadau’r flwyddyn a fu, ond dyw hynny ddim o ddiddordeb i neb arall. Maen nhw i gyd wedi dechrau yfed yn barod, hyd yn oed Jeff y gath.
Felly mae Daf yn myfyrio ar ei phen ei hun, a phwyso a mesur y flwyddyn.
Mae hi’n meddwl am y rhan chwaraeodd yr enwog Bryn Teribl yng nghoroni Brenin Lloegr, a’r llanast canlynol. Mae hi’n meddwl am ei theithiau seicedelig yng nghwmni’r enwog Julian Cope, a’r llanast canlynol. Mae hi’n meddwl am amlosgfa Dewi Sant, a’r llanast canlynol.
Ond dyna ni, meddylia’r gath sinsir. Mae 2024 yn sicr o fod yn well.

Saesneg / English
Looking back
Dave the cat wants to look back over the events of the past year, but that is of no interest to anyone else. They’ve all started drinking already, even Jeff the cat.
So Dave reflects on her own, and takes stock of the year.
She thinks about the part played by the famous Bryn Teribl in the coronation of the King of England, and the ensuing mess. She thinks about her psychedelic trips in the company of the famous Julian Cope, and the ensuing mess. She thinks of Saint David’s crematorium, and the ensuing mess.
But there we are, thinks the ginger cat. 2024 is sure to be better.