Mae Daf y gath wedi bod yn gwylio gormod o deledu.
Mae hi wedi gwylio rwtsh am gathod, rwtsh am lewod, rwtsh am ddawnsio a rwtsh gan Frenin Lloegr.
Ond does dim ots gyda hi. Mae hi off ei phen ar y catnip.
Ond yn araf bach, mae ei llygaid wedi dechrau newid eu siâp. Pa siâp sydd arnyn nhw bellach?
Mae llygaid Daf y gath yn gwbl sgwâr.

Saesneg / English
Square eyes
Dave the cat has been watching too much television.
She has watched rubbish about cats, rubbish about lions, rubbish about dancing and rubbish from the King of England.
But it doesn’t matter to her. She is off her head on catnip.
But slowly, her eyes have started to change shape. What shape are they now?
Dave the cat’s eyes are completely square.