October 16, 2024

Gan nad yw’r enwog Bryn Teribl yn drydanwr go iawn, does dim lectrig yng ngwesty Dewi Sant o hyd.

Arhosodd pawb yn y gwyll ddydd Nadolig. Am Nadolig diflas!

Ffwrn nwy yw’r ffwrn, o leia, felly roedd modd coginio’r twrci.

Ond… am drychineb! Bwytodd y cathod y twrci i gyd cyn i neb arall gael darn.

O diar.

Mae Daf a Jeff yn dew iawn heddiw.

“Mae Daf a Jeff yn dew iawn heddiw.”

Saesneg / English


As the famous Bryn Teribl is not a real electrician, there is still no electricity in Saint David’s hotel.

Everyone stayed in the dark on Christmas day. What a miserable Christmas!

The oven is a gas oven, at least, so it was possible to cook the turkey.

But… what a disaster! The cats ate all the turkey before anyone else had a piece.

Oh dear.

Daf and Jeff are very fat today.

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