October 16, 2024

Mae sŵn od yn dod o’r bin, fel bod rhywun yn cael ei wasgu.


Achos bod rhywun yn cael ei wasgu.

Roedd Santes Dwynwen wedi pobi pobiad arall o mins peis, ond claddodd Dewi Sant y cwbl lot.

Felly mae Dewi Sant wedi ymuno â’r enwog Julian Cope yn ymguddio rhag Santes Dwynwen yn y bin. Does dim lot o le.

“Does dim lot o le.”

Saesneg / English


There is an odd noise coming from the bin, like someone is being squeezed.


Because someone is being squeezed.

Saint Dwynwen had baked another batch of mince pies, but Saint David scoffed the whole lot.

So Dewi Sant has joined the famous Julian Cope hiding from Saint Dwynwen in the bin. There is not a lot of space.

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