October 16, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant am brynu anrheg Nadolig i Santes Dwynwen. Ond beth fyddai’n addas i’r Santes sydd gyda phopeth yn barod?

Mae e’n bwriadu dal y trên i Gaerdydd.

Yn anffodus mae rhaid iddo fe fynd heibio i dafarn ar ei ffordd i’r orsaf.

O diar.

Fydd ‘na ddim anrhegion i Santes Dwynwen eleni.

“Fydd ‘na ddim anrhegion i Santes Dwynwen eleni.”

Saesneg / English

Christmas Shopping

Saint David wants to buy a Christmas present for Saint Dwynwen. But what would be suitable for the Saint who already has everything?

He intends to catch the train to Cardiff.

Unfortunately he has to go past a pub on his way to the station.

Oh dear.

There will be no presents for Saint Dwynwen this year.

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