October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn agor drysau ei chalendr Adfent. Yn anffodus, roedd yr enwog Bryn Teribl y tu ôl i’r drws ddoe, wedi ei wisgo fel bugail.

Felly, pwy sydd y tu ôl i’r drws heddiw?

O diar.

Mae’n ymddangos bod Santes Dwynwen wedi bod yn gwneud bach o waith modelu yn dawel bach hefyd. Dyma hi, wedi ei gwisgo fel yr angel Gabriel.

Mae golwg dychrynllyd arni, fel ecstra mewn ffilm sombis. Wel, mae hi’n gannoedd o flynyddoedd oed, wedi’r cyfan.

“Dyma hi, wedi ei gwisgo fel yr angel Gabriel.”

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat is opening the doors of her Advent calendar. Unfortunately, the famous Bryn Teribl was behind the door yesterday, dressed as a shepherd.

So, who is behind the door today?

Oh dear.

It seems that Santes Dwynwen has been doing a bit of modelling work on the side as well. Here she is, dressed as the angel Gabriel.

She looks terrifying, like an extra in a zombie film. Well, she is hundreds of years old, after all.

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