October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath newydd agor drws yn ei chalendr Adfent. Beth sydd y tu ôl i’r drws?

Llun o Fethlehem yw e? Nac ydy.

Llun o dri dyn doeth yw e? Nac ydy.

Llun o’r enwog Bryn Teribl wedi ei wisgo fel bugail yw e.

O diar.

Pam mae llun o’r enwog Bryn Teribl yng nghalendr Adfent Daf y gath?

Mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl wedi bod yn gwneud gwaith modelu yn ddistaw bach.

O diar.

“Pam mae llun o’r enwog Bryn Teribl yng nghalendr Adfent Daf y gath?”

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat has just opened a door in her Advent calendar. What is behind the door?

Is it a picture of Bethlehem? No.

Is it a picture of three wise men? No.

It is a picture of the famous Bryn Teribl dressed as a shepherd.

Oh dear.

Why is there a picture of the famous Bryn Teribl in Dave the cat’s Advent calendar?

The famous Bryn Teribl has been doing modelling work on the side.

Oh dear.

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