– Y bobl oedd yn rhodio mewn tywyllwch a welodd goleuni mawr, meddai Daf y gath i’w chwaer Jeff.
– Be ti parablu amdan? gofyn Jeff.
Dyw’r Beibl ddim o ddiddordeb i Jeff y gath. Mae hi’n brysur yn ddarllen un o lyfrau’r enwog Julian Cope.
– Mae calendr Adfent ‘da fi. ‘Drycha!
– Sai’n gweld goleuni mowr, meddai Jeff, – dim ond darn o tat cardbord tsiêp.
– Bydd yr angel Gabriel y tu ôl i’r drws nesa, siŵr o fod, meddai Daf.
– Sai’n becso tato amdan y blydi angel Gabriel, meddai Jeff. – Gad fi ddarllen be sy gyda’r enwog Julian Cope i weud.
– Bydd goleuni mowr arall…
– Ca’ hi.

Saesneg / English
A great light
– The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light, says Dave the cat to her sister Jeff.
– What are you wittering about? asks Jeff.
The Bible is of no interest to Jeff the cat. She is busy reading one of the famous Julian Cope’s books.
– I’ve got an Advent calendar. Look!
– I don’t see a great light, says Jeff, – just a piece of cheap cardboard tat.
– The angel Gabriel will probably be behind the next door, says Dave.
– I don’t give a monkey’s about the bloody angel Gabriel, says Jeff. – Let me read what the famous Julian Cope has to say.
– There will be another great light…
– Shut up.