Mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl yn dal i wneud llawsafiad campus yn y stryd yng Nghaerdydd, wedi ymgodi o bensafiad. Mae e wedi denu cynulleidfa fawr.
Ers faint mae Bryn Teribl wedi bod ben i waered erbyn hyn?
Mae e wedi bod ben i waered ers echdoe.
Am gamp!
 dweud y gwir mae e’n dechrau teimlo’n benysgafn.
Am ba mor hir neith e barhau?
Pwy a ŵyr.
Does dim ots gyda Daf y gath. Mae hi wedi cymryd catnip cryf a gadael am y Crymych arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel.

Saesneg / English
The famous Bryn Teribl is still doing an excellent handstand in the street in Cardiff, having lifted himself from a headstand. He has attracted a large audience.
How long has Bryn Teribl been upside down now?
He has been upside down since the day before yesterday.
What an achievement!
To tell the truth he is starting to feel lightheaded.
How long will he continue?
Who knows.
Dave the cat doesn’t care. She has taken strong catnip and set off for the other Crymych beyond the horizon.