Mae Dewi Sant wedi paratoi popeth ar gyfer tor carchar Daf a Jeff. Mae e wedi gwisgo’r enwog Bryn Teribl a’i efell, yr afreolus Owain Glyndŵr, fel cathod a dod â nhw i ymweld â’r cathod go iawn.
Nawr, mae e’n gweddïo am wyrth.
Bydd angen gwyrth.
Mae e ar fin ceisio cyfnewid y gefeilliaid am y cathod pan mae’r enwog Julian Cope yn cyrraedd ar ei gromlech hedfanol, taro yn erbyn wal y carchar, ei chwalu, rhyddhau’r cathod, a hedfan i ffwrdd gyda nhw ar unwaith.
Mae ffyrdd yr Arglwydd yn ddirgel, meddylia Dewi Sant.

Saesneg / English
780: Prison break
Saint David has prepared everything for Dave and Jeff’s prison break. He has dressed up the famous Bryn Teribl and his twin, the unruly Owain Glyndŵr, as cats and brought them to visit the real cats.
Now, he is praying for a miracle.
There will be a need for a miracle.
He is about to try to exchange the twins for the cats when the famous Julian Cope arrives on his flying cromlech, hits the prison wall, smashes it, frees the cats, and immediately flies away with them.
The ways of the Lord are mysterious, thinks Saint David.