Mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn dal i grwydro llwybr arfordir Sir Benfro. Ar ei ffordd, mae e wedi casglu nifer sylweddol o hetiau posibl.

Mae ganddo dun rhostio newydd, dau flwch cardbord, sawl bag plastig, bin ailgylchu a meicrodon.

Mae ei gasgliad o sbwriel yn anodd ei gario ar hyd y llwybr.

Bydd yn ofalus, Bryn!

Mae e’n cyrraedd Cei Newydd wrth iddi nosi. Yn sydyn, mae goleuadau’n dechrau fflachio. Mae’r twristiaid yn y parc gwyliau wedi sylwi ar y dyn anferth hwn sydd yn stryffaglu gyda’i helfa absŵrd o “hetiau”, ac maen nhw’n tynnu lluniau.

Mae e’n mynd i gaffi a gofyn am “ddisgled â llâth”.

Yn anffodus mae’r gweinyddwr yn dod o’r gogledd. Mae e’n camddeall a rhoi plât gwag a phren mesur llathen ar y bwrdd.

“Mae ei gasgliad o sbwriel yn anodd ei gario ar hyd y llwybr.”

Saesneg / English


The famous Bryn Terfel is still walking the Pembrokeshire coastal path. On his way, he has collected a considerable number of possible hats.

He has a new roasting tin, two cardboard boxes, several plastic bags, a recycling bin and a microwave.

His collection of rubbish is difficult to carry along the path.

Be careful, Bryn!

He arrives at Newquay as night falls. Suddenly, lights start to flash. The tourists in the holiday park have noticed this enormous man who is struggling with his absurd haul of “hats”, and they are taking pictures.

He goes to a café and asks for a “cuppa with milk”.

Unfortunately the waiter is from the north. He misunderstands and puts an empty plate and yard-long ruler on the table.

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