October 16, 2024

Ar y cwch gwyrdd pysen del, mae Daf y gath wedi lladd tylluan. Mae Santes Dwynwen wedi clymu’r aderyn o amgylch gwddf Daf fel cosb.

– Fi’n edrych fel twpsen, meddai Daf. – Ac mae’n drwm.

– Mae hi i fod yn drwm, meddai Santes Dwynwen. – Mae hi i fod yn faich. Cosb yw hyn.

– Wfft i hwnna, meddai Daf y gath, a dechrau crafu gwaelod y cwch. Mae hi am greu twll a suddo’r cwch.

Am gath annymunol.

Bihafia, Daf.

Ond dyw Daf ddim am fihafio. Mae hi am flacmelio Santes Dwynwen i gael gwared ar y dylluan.

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn gweddïo’n ddwys.

– O Arglwydd, clyw fy nghais, meddai o’r diwedd, wrth i Daf barhau i grafu.

Mae sŵn fel swigen yn byrstio, ac mae’r enwog Julian Cope yn ymddangos yn y cwch, wedi ei wisgo fel lleian. Mae’r Arglwydd yn symud mewn ffyrdd dirgel, yn amlwg.

Ond mae catnip cryf gyda Julian Cope. Am gyfleus.

Mae cwpl o gathod ychwanegol gyda fe hefyd, y mae un ohonyn nhw’n cerdded ar wyneb y dŵr, ond fe wnawn ni ddelio â nhw nes ymlaen.

O fewn munud mae e wedi tawelu’r Daf ddrygionus a’i hanfon ar daith seicedelig i’r Crymych arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel.

“Mae cwpl o gathod ychwanegol gyda fe hefyd, y mae un ohonyn nhw’n cerdded ar wyneb y dŵr, ond fe wnawn ni ddelio â nhw nes ymlaen.”

Saesneg / English

756: Owl

On the beautiful pea-green boat, Dave the cat has killed an owl. Saint Dwynwen has tied the bird around Dave’s neck as a punishment.

– I look like a fool, says Dave. – And it’s heavy.

– It’s supposed to be heavy, says Saint Dwynwen. – It’s supposed to be a burden. This is a punishment.

– To hell with that, says Dave the cat, who starts scratching the bottom of the boat. She wants to create a hole and sink the boat.

What an objectionable cat.

Behave, Dave.

But Dave doesn’t want to behave. She wants to blackmail Saint Dwynwen into getting rid of the owl.

Saint Dwynwen prays intensely.

– Oh Lord, hear my request, she says in the end, as Dave continues to scratch.

There is a sound like a bubble bursting, and the famous Julian Cope appears in the boat, dressed as a nun. The Lord moves in mysterious ways, evidently.

But Julian Cope has some strong catnip. How convenient.

He also has a couple of extra cats, one of whom is walking on the water, but we will deal with them later.

Within a minute he has silenced the naughty Dave and sent her on a psychedelic trip to the Other Crymych beyond the horizon.

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