October 16, 2024

Mae Santes Dwynwen wedi bod yn pysgota yn ei chwch gwyrdd pysen del. Daliodd hi gath sinsir arall.

Nawr, mae Daf wedi dechrau bwlio’r gath newydd yn ddidrugaredd. Mae hi’n ei hel e o gwmpas y cwch cyn ei grafu e a’i wthio i’r môr gan obeithio bydd e’n boddi.

Mae e’n boddi.

Rhag dy gywilydd, Daf.

Mae tylluan yn glanio ar sedd y cwch.

Mae Daf yn gwthio’r dylluan i’r môr hefyd. Mae’r dylluan yn boddi.

– Beth sy’n bod arnat ti, Daf? gofyn Santes Dwynwen.

– Sai’mo, meddai Daf, – Ond ‘yn ni’n rhedeg mas o Dreamies a sdim dŵr croyw ar ôl.

– Ddylet ti ddim bod wedi gwthio’r dylluan a’r gath fach i’r môr. Bydd rhaid i ti ei gwisgo’r dylluan o amgylch dy wddf.

– Wyt ti ‘di rhedeg mas o albatrosiaid, hefyd?

“Mae Daf wedi dechrau bwlio’r gath newydd yn ddidrugaredd.”

Saesneg / English


Santes Dwynwen has been fishing in her beautiful pea-green boat. She caught another ginger cat.

Now, Dave has started bullying the new cat mercilessly. She chases him around the boat before scratching him and pushing him into the sea, hoping he will drown.

He drowns.

You should be ashamed of yourself, Dave.

An owl lands on the seat of the boat.

Dave pushes the owl into the sea too. The owl drowns.

– What’s wrong with you, Dave? asks Saint Dwynwen.

– Dunno, says Dave, – But we’re running out of Dreamies and we don’t have any fresh water left.

– You shouldn’t have pushed the owl and the pussycat into the sea. You will have to wear the owl around your neck.

– Have you run out of albatrosses, too?

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