Mae Santes Dwynwen a Daf y gath wedi hwylio ymaith mewn cwch gwyrdd pysen del.
Mae gyda nhw Dreamies a digon o arian wedi ei lapio mewn papur pum punt.
Mae Santes Dwynwen yn dechrau chwarae gitâr sydd wedi ymddangos o nunlle.
– O gath fach mor hyfryd, o gath fach fy nghariad, cana Santes Dwynwen.
– Ca’ dy ben a phasia’r Dreamies, meddai Daf y gath.
Ond dyw Santes Dwynwen ddim yn ei chlywed hi. Mae hi eisoes wedi diflasu ar ganu, ac mae hi wedi dechrau pysgota.
Yn sydyn, mae hi’n dal rhywbeth!
Mae’n drwm. Beth yw e?
Mawredd yr adar! Mae hi wedi dal cath sinsir arall. Mae’r gath newydd yn dywyllach na Daf, heb ei marciau gwyn.
– Helo, meddai’r gath newydd. – ‘Sda chi mêl?

Saesneg / English
At sea
Saint Dwynwen and Dave the cat have sailed away in a beautiful pea-green boat.
They have Dreamies and plenty of money wrapped in a five pound note.
Saint Dwynwen starts playing a guitar that has appeared out of nowhere.
– O lovely pussy, o pussy my love, sings Saint Dwynwen.
– Shut up and pass the Dreamies, says Dave the cat.
But Saint Dwynwen doesn’t hear her. She’s already bored with singing, and she’s started fishing.
Suddenly, she catches something!
It is heavy. What is it?
Good grief! She has caught another ginger cat. The new cat is darker than Dave, without her white markings.
– Hello, says the new cat. – Have you got any honey?