October 16, 2024

Yn Sir Benfro, ar y Parrog, tra bod yr enwog Bryn Terfel yn bargeinio gyda hwyliwr am y blwch cardbord mae e’n ei ddyheu, mae Santes Dwynwen yn mynd â Daf y gath i gaffi mewn gwesty crand.

Mae hi’n gofyn am goffi gwyn, a sleisen cwstard. Wrth gwrs.

Mae Daf yn gofyn am laeth a phowlen o Dreamies, ond does dim Dreamies.

Ond mae trychineb arall ar y ffordd.

Mae’r forwyn fordd yn dod â choffi gwyn a phowlen o laeth. Ond llaeth ceirch yw’r llaeth.

O diar!

Dyna’r math anghywir o laeth! Mae rhaid i Santes Dwynwen gael ei chynhyrchion llaeth neu fel arall bydd hi’n llewygu.

– Sana i isie fe, meddai Daf y gath.

Heb Dreamies na llaeth go iawn mae Daf y gath yn pwdu.

“Llaeth ceirch yw’t llaeth. O diar!”

Saesneg / English

Incorrect milk

In Pembrokeshire, on the Parrog, while the famous Bryn Terfel bargains with a yachtsman for the cardboard box he desires, Saint Dwynwen takes Dave the cat to a café in a grand hotel.

She asks for a white coffee, and a custard slice. Of course.

Dave asks for milk and a bowl of Dreamies, but there are no Dreamies.

But another disaster is on the way.

The waitress brings white coffee and a bowl of milk. But the milk is oat milk.

Oh dear!

That’s the wrong kind of milk! Saint Dwynwen has to have her dairy products or else she will faint.

– Don’t want it, says Dave the cat.

Without Dreamies or real milk Dave the cat sulks.

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