October 16, 2024

Yn ei labordy, mae Daf y gath wrthi’n arbrofi gyda’i pheiriant clonio newydd sbon a brynodd hi ar-lein.

Does dim ond iddi roi rhywun yn y siambr glonio a gwasgu botwm mawr coch, ac mewn chwinciad, dyna glôn!

Hwrê! Bydd hi’n hawdd creu miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg fel hyn. Bydd y llywodraeth mor hapus.

Erbyn hyn, mae Daf wedi clonio Santes Dwynwen teirgwaith yn llwyddiannus, sydd yn golygu bod lot mwy o’i chwstard ofnadwy o gwmpas y lle. Neu lot mwy o’u cwstard ofnadwy, i fod yn gywir.

Yna, mae’r Dwynwen wreiddiol yn clonio Daf. Am gymhleth!

“Yna, mae’r Dwynwen wreiddiol yn clonio Daf. Am gymhleth!”

Saesneg / English

Experimental cloning

In her laboratory, Dave the cat is experimenting with her brand new cloning machine which she bought online.

All she has to do is put someone in the cloning chamber and press a big red button, and in the blink of an eye, there’s a clone!

Hooray! It will be easy to create a million Welsh speakers this way. The government will be so happy.

By now, Dave has successfully cloned Santes Dwynwen three times, which means there is a lot more of her terrible custard around the place. Or a lot more of their terrible custard, to be precise.

Then, the original Dwynwen clones Dave. How complicated!

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