Mae Daf y gath wedi cael syniad am fenter newydd. Mae hi am sefydlu labordy. Mae hi am greu miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg trwy eu clonio nhw.
Mae hynny’n sicr o ennill bach o arian, neu gymhorthdal neu ddau.
Mae hi wedi perswadio Dewi Sant i brynu adeilad newydd, hyd yn oed. Ond mae problem.
Mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel am ddefnyddio’r adeilad fel theatr. Mae e wedi dod o hyd i het ysblennydd newydd a dechrau breuddwydio am berfformio ar lwyfan eto.
– Iawn ‘te, meddai Daf y gath. – Beth am i ni ddefnyddio’r labordy i glonio hetiau ysblennydd yn lle siaradwyr Cymraeg?
– Siop hetiwr ddyfodolaidd byddai hynny, nid labordy, meddai Jeff y gath.

Saesneg / English
Dave the cat has had an idea for a new venture. She wants to set up a laboratory. She wants to create a million Welsh speakers by cloning them.
That is sure to earn a little money, or a grant or two.
She has even persuaded Saint David to buy a new building. But there is a problem.
The famous Bryn Terfel wants to use the building as a theatre. He has found a splendid new hat and started dreaming about performing on stage again.
– OK then, says Dave the cat. – How about we use the laboratory to clone splendid hats instead of Welsh speakers?
– That would be a futuristic milliner’s, not a laboratory, says Jeff the cat.