October 16, 2024

Mae haid o ddysgwyr Cymraeg wedi troi lan.

Maen nhw wedi clywed bod y Pandas Pinc yn chwarae gigs yng ngerddi amlosgfa Dewi Sant, ac fel mae pawb yn gwybod, y Pandas Pinc yw hoff fand dysgwyr Cymraeg, o leia cyn iddyn nhw ddarganfod Datblygu.

Ond mae’r Pandas Pinc wedi mynd i’r Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel ar gyffuriau cryfion yr enwog Julian Cope.

O diar. Does neb am ddelio â haid o ddysgwyr Cymraeg siomedig, yn enwedig y cathod.

Mae Dewi Sant yn dechrau gweddïo’n galed iawn.

Daw sŵn fel swigen yn byrstio, ac yn sydyn, mae’r gerddi’n gwbl wag!

Does dim sombis tedi arth dim mwy, does dim pandas dim mwy, does dim dysgwyr Cymraeg dim mwy hyd yn oed. Gwyrth yw e!

Dyma wyrth gyntaf Dewi Sant ers canrifoedd. Mae e mor falch ohono fe’i hun.

“Mae Dewi Sant yn dechrau gweddïo’n galed iawn.”

Saesneg / English


A flock of Welsh learners has turned up.

They have heard that the Pink Pandas are playing gigs in the gardens of Dewi Sant’s crematorium, and as everyone knows, the Pink Pandas are the Welsh learners’ favourite band, at least before they discover Datblygu.

But the Pink Pandas have gone to the Other Crymych beyond the horizon on the famous Julian Cope’s strong drugs.

Oh dear. Nobody wants to deal with a flock of disappointed Welsh learners, especially the cats.

Saint David begins to pray very hard.

There comes a sound like a bubble bursting, and suddenly, the gardens are completely empty!

There are no teddy bear zombies any more, there are no pandas any more, there are no Welsh learners any more, even. It is a miracle!

This is Saint David’s first miracle for centuries. He is so proud of himself.

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