October 16, 2024
“Pandas y Pab ydyn nhw. Maen nhw’n beryglus iawn.”

Mae mwy o bandas wedi troi lan.

Dyma grŵp arall o bandas, wedi’u gwisgo mewn gwisgoedd eglwysig.

Maen nhw wedi dod â’u gitarau hefyd.

O diar.

– Pwy ydyn nhw? gofyn Daf y gath i’r enwog Julian Cope.

– Pandas y Pab ydyn nhw, meddai Julian Cope. – Maen nhw’n beryglus iawn. Maen nhw’n dechrau Chwilys ar ddiwedd pob gig.

Ond mae’n rhy hwyr. Maen nhw eisoes wedi dechrau chwarae eu black metal Catholig nhw. Am fygythiol.

Saesneg / English

The Pope’s Pandas

More pandas have turned up.

Here is another group of pandas, dressed in ecclesiastical clothes.

They have brought their guitars too.

Oh dear.

– Who are they? Dave the cat asks the famous Julian Cope.

– They are the Pope’s Pandas, says Julian Cope. – They are very dangerous. They start an Inquisition at the end of every gig.

But it’s too late. They have started playing Catholic black metal. How threatening.

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