October 16, 2024

Mae’r Pandas Pinc yn parhau i chwarae cerddoriaeth drone metal leddfol. Mae’r sombis yn hoff iawn o gerddoriaeth drone metal, ond dyw’r cathod ddim. Mae’n atgoffa Daf y gath o’r Hwfr.

Yna, mae grŵp arall o bandas yn troi lan.

Maen nhw’n edrych yn dreisgar a gwisgo llawer o glustlysau. Y Pandas Pync ydyn nhw! Ac maen nhw wedi dod â’u gitarau nhw hefyd.

O diar.

Maen nhw’n dechrau canu cân ofnadwy o’r enw “Anarchiaeth yng Nghrymych”.

– Mae gormod o fandiau o bandas fan hyn, meddai Daf y gath.

“Yna, mae grŵp arall o bandas yn troi lan.”

Saesneg / English


The Pink Pandas continue to play soothing drone metal music. The zombies really like drone metal music, but the cats don’t. It reminds Dave the cat of the hoover.

Then, another group of pandas turns up.

They look violent and are wearing a lot of earrings. They are the Punk Pandas! And they’ve brought their guitars too.

Oh dear.

They start singing a terrible song called “Anarchy in Crymych”.

– There are too many bands of pandas here, says Dave the cat.

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