October 16, 2024

Ar ôl i’r sombis dreiglo’n feddal a mynd yn fflyffi fel tedis arth, mae ‘na sŵn byddarol.

Mae’r Pandas Pinc wedi troi lan

Mae’r band y Pandas Pinc wedi troi lan, ac maen nhw wedi dod â’u gitarau gyda nhw. Maen nhw’n chwarae cerddoriaeth hair metal ofnadwy o hectig o’r wythdegau. Yn Gymraeg.

Mae’r enwog Julian Cope yn cynnig rhai o’i gyffuriau cryfion iddyn nhw, a chyn bo hir, maen nhw’n dechrau arafu a chwarae cerddoriaeth drone metal leddfol.

Mae’r sombis yn heidio o gwmpas y grŵp a mwynhau eu hunain heb fwyta ymenyddiau neb am unwaith.

Saesneg / English


After the zombies have mutated softly and become fluffy like teddy bears, there is a deafening sound.

The band the Pink Pandas have turned up, and they’ve brought their guitars with them. They play terribly hectic hair metal music from the eighties. In Welsh.

The famous Julian Cope offers them some of his strong drugs, and before long, they start to slow down and play soothing drone metal music.

The zombies flock around the group and enjoy themselves without eating anyone’s brains for once.

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