October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn mynd i ddefnyddio trelar llawn o diwtoriaid Cymraeg fel abwyd er mwyn tynnu sylw cannoedd o sombis oddi ar Dewi Sant a’i amlosgfa.

Mae’r sombis yn dechrau ymlusgo tuag at yr abwyd. Maen nhw’n cymryd yr abwyd.

Maen nhw’n dechrau bwyta ymenyddiau’r tiwtoriaid Cymraeg. Mae llawer o sgrechian.

Yna, mae’r sombis yn dechrau newid. Mae sawl un eisoes yn edrych mor giwt â thedi arth bach.

– Beth sy’n digwydd? gofyn Daf y gath i’r enwog Julian Cope.

– Maen nhw’n treiglo, meddai Julian Cope.

Mae sawl un eisoes yn edrych mor giwt â thedi arth bach.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat is going to use a trailer full of Welsh tutors as bait in order to distract hundreds of zombies from Saint David and his crematorium.

The zombies begin to shuffle towards the bait. They are taking the bait.

They start to eat the brains of the Welsh tutors. There is a lot of screaming.

Then, the zombies start to change. Several already look as cute as a little teddy bear.

– What’s happening? Dave the cat asks the famous Julian Cope.

– They’re mutating, says Julian Cope.

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