October 16, 2024
Mae Jeff y gath yn ymguddio mewn bwced

Mae amlosgfa Dewi Sant dan warchae gan gannoedd o sombis sydd am fwyta ymenyddiau byw, ac mae Jeff y gath yn ymguddio mewn bwced.

Er bod pawb arall yn gwisgo arfwisg ysblennydd, mae gormod o sombis i’w trechu.

Felly pwy sy’n mynd i drechu’r sombis?

Dyma Daf y gath a’r enwog Julian Cope, yn dychwelyd o’u trip seicedelig ar hast yn eu cromlech hedfanol. Am gyfleus.

Ond beth yw hwnna y tu ôl iddi?

Mae rhywun wedi atodi trelar i’r gromlech. Mae’r trelar llawn o diwtoriaid Cymraeg.

– So nhw’n mynd i fod yn lot fawr o gymorth i drechu’r sombis, meddai Dewi Sant.

– Na, fi’n gwbod, meddai Daf y gath. – Ond fel abwyd byddan nhw’n ddelfrydol.

Saesneg / English


Dewi Sant’s crematorium is under siege from hundreds of zombies who want to eat living brains, and Jeff the cat is hiding in a bucket.

Although everyone else is wearing splendid armour, there are too many zombies to defeat.

So who is going to defeat the zombies?

Here come Dave the cat and the famous Julian Cope, returning from their psychedelic trip at speed in their flying cromlech. How convenient.

But what is that behind it?

Someone has attached a trailer to the cromlech. The trailer is full of Welsh tutors.

– They’re not going to be very much help in defeating the zombies, says Dewi Sant.

– No, I know, says Dave the cat. – But as bait they will be ideal.

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